[Top Headshots Los Angeles by Vanie]
Guest Blog by Career Coach Jodie Bentley
The following blog is actually a video by The Savvy Actor.
The Savvy Actor teaches Branding and Business fundamentals to artists.
Their mission is for actors to become successful, savvy business people empowered with the skills necessary to compete in the biz today.
Savvy Actors are armed with a reason, a purpose, and a strategy to empower themselves to think like small business owners, and to merge career and life to realize their dreams with abundance and success.
Ever want something so badly that you feel you suffocate from it? We all have. Watch The Savvy Actor tip on how NOT to do that.
Check out their website for more great articles, video tips, and free tools to jump start the business side of your acting career.
Tyler Tackett: Sons of Anarchy / FBI Agent / Boxer
Janine Oda: FBI Agent / Creative Professional / Hipster / BBQ Mom
Chiara Maya: Upscale Business / Office Girl / Tom Boy
Bruce Clifford: Upscale Business / Casual Dad
Ryan Christie: Gamer / Power Business / Creative Professional
Jason King: Stock Broker / Bad Guy / BBQ Dad
Zach Silverman: BBQ Dad / Anti-Hero / Programmer
Rucci Amber: Girl Next Door / Brandon Begg: Computer Tech / Emilia Rajek: Love Interest
Carolina Yosorio: Latina Mom / Business / Blue Collar
Heather Wake: Fashionista / Heroine / Creative Professional
I love helping you by putting out this free information (often written on weekends and evenings) so please help me spread the word by commenting and or sharing this post on your social feed!????????