A Photographer’s Needs for a Successful Headshot Session: Part II

A Photographer’s Needs for a Successful Headshot Session: Part II

 Jo[Theatrical Headshots Los Angeles by Vanie] This is a two part blog and Part I of this blog post can be found HERE.  This blog is about examples and would make more sense if you read Part I first. To summarize Part I, a person’s attitude can pretty much make...
A Photographer’s Needs for a Successful Headshot Session: Part I

A Photographer’s Needs for a Successful Headshot Session: Part I

[Los Angeles Head Shots, Vanie] Speaking for myself, I find that my most amazing sessions have A LOT to do with a client’s attitude coming into the session.  I realize headshots are a large investment and that there is a lot riding on them.  And often, by the...
“There is no copyright.”

“There is no copyright.”

[Headshot Photography LA by Vanie] “THERE IS NO COPYRIGHT,” he said, speaking over me when I attempted to explain why I don’t give out all the high resolution images with my packages.  In a very antagonistic tone, he said it again after I attempted...
Why Are Some Headshot Photographers so F$%&^# Expensive?

Why Are Some Headshot Photographers so F$%&^# Expensive?

[Headshots Los Angeles Price by Vanie] Headshots are expensive to make! Professionals fully invested in their craft pay a high price for the ability to create quality images. To start, professional equipment is expensive. Prosumer cameras cost upwards of $2700.   Pro...