
Why Are Some Headshot Photographers so F$%&^# Expensive?

[Headshots Los Angeles Price by Vanie]

Headshots are expensive to make!

Professionals fully invested in their craft pay a high price for the ability to create quality images.

To start, professional equipment is expensive.

Prosumer cameras cost upwards of $2700.   Pro cameras cost upwards of $8000.  Multiple cameras for backups in case of failure on the job are a necessity.  Pro lenses are $1200 and up.  Most of us own at least five.  Flash units cost $400 and up.

Then there are computers. Computers with mega fast multiple processors and mega large RAM, to handle super large files coming out of cameras, and the power needed to process them, cost about $5000 and up (if you like Macs).  I personally have and need three desktops and one laptop to share with my assistants.  Multiple monitors easily cost $3000 and up.  Hard drives to store thousands and thousands of digital files cost $80 and up for 1Terabite.  They used to cost a whole lot more.  Additional hard drives to store the backups for the thousands and thousands of digital files cost $80 and up for 1Terabite.  Number of hard drives you may find at a pro studio? Easily over 100.

The list goes on.

Studio equipment including multiple light heads, power packs, umbrellas, soft-boxes, stands, sandbags and backdrops are worth thousands.  Cases for storing and transporting equipment cost a bunch more.  Pro photographic printers are usually $700 and up.  Software like Photoshop, In Design, Lightroom etc. are very expensive.

Even more is needed…

Tons of accessories, CF cards, filters, transmitters, light meters, multiple reflectors, flags, tripods, multiple battery backups to prevent loss on multiple computers in case of a power outage, assistants, the education needed to keep up with the ever changing world of software.  Oh and let’s not forget insurance to insure thousands of dollars of equipment.

And of course profit margin…For things like eating, medical insurance, a car followed by more insurance, a home, some time off, shoes, more shoes, a boyfriend and four cats.

The following headshots were taken by an expensive professional.



Headshot-photography-Los-AngelesHoney Lauren: Hip Mom / Upscale Business / Edgy Street

Headshot-wardrobe-tipsSamrina Sabri: Love Interest / Hipster / Vilain

Headshots-for-actors-LAChloe Diaz: Love Interest / Student

Hollywood-HeadshotsGalassia Grassetto: Hero / Grad Student

LA-Headshot-photographersAgnes Zybrzycki: Lawyer / Country Club Mom

Los-Angeles-Child-headshot-photographersRebecca Goldstein: Hipster / Sidekick / Musician / Intern

Los-Angeles-Headshot-photographersAnjali Mariama: Lawyer / Best Friend

Matt Vansmith: Lead / Student


I love helping you by putting out this free information (often written on weekends and evenings) so please help me spread the word by commenting and or sharing this post on your social feed!????????

1 Comment

  1. Steve Lowrey

    Well said! Not many clients ever understand the cost of photography. You missed out on the rent to pay on the studio too. Let them stick to their phones !!
    I love your images, I will nip over to Instagram now 🙂


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