
Post-Work: What happens after you take my headshots?

[Female Headshot Photographers Los Angeles – Vanie]

Recently I was asked

by one of my clients if he’d be walking out with a CD of images after we finished our session. FIRST OF ALL– pahlease, CDs are so yesterday.

We deliver our files digitally, and technically he could, but the images wouldn’t be up to par if I handed them over straight from the camera in their RAW form.

So the short answer was no.

Maurice Franklin: Creative Professional /Traci Taira: Secretary

Aaron Bray: Gamer / Security Guard / Blue Collar Dad

Denise Nicholson: Upscale Villain / BBQ Mom

For the long answer, here’s what goes into your pictures after we’re finished shooting:

FIRST, I go through all your images and edit the bad ones, like with the eyes closed, or where you have a double chin that shouldn’t be there.

NEXT, I do what’s called a batch processing–this is where I take all your edited images and color balance the average skin tone, as well as the contrast levels.

This global process somewhat prepares the images to look color-balanced on monitors. I say somewhat, because we don’t really have control over how your images look through other people’s monitors.

Some monitors may be brighter than others, causing you to look washed out, and other monitors may have an orange or magenta color cast causing your skin tone to look yellow or red. For this reason, we don’t fuss too much over your low resolution images batched for “web use”.

Jamie Jones: Best Friend / Detective or Bouncer

Annie Heller: Blue Collar Farmer / Outdoorsy Grandmother / Secretary

WE THEN take these globally color-balanced images and create 4×6 proofs. Proofs are used to compare small 4×6 prints before making a final decision on an 8×10.  Proofs are printed on machine prints at photo labs.

We also take all your images and re-size them for the five major directories like LA Casting so you can upload with ease.

This is just a little extra something I like to include in my packages.

Cindy D’Andrea: The DA / Girls’ Night Out / Edgy Street

LASTLY, we electronically deliver your web-use images as well as your 4×6 proofs.  This entire process can take anywhere from 1 to 3 hours depending on the number of images taken.

So unless you’re willing to hang out, we deliver your files in one business day!


I love helping you by putting out this free information (often written on weekends and evenings) so please help me spread the word by commenting and or sharing this post on your social feed!????????


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