
The Case for Email Marketing

So unless you’ve been living with your head buried under the sand, you know that TikTok went down for a day on Saturday and the world almost ended.

Well okay maybe not for you but it did for many many many content creators.

It’s all because TikTok and pretty much all social media platforms have opened the gateway to massive reach for B to C marketing.

B to C means Business to Consumer by the way.

So one, I want to get on my soap box here for a minute and ask you if you’re not creating content (and yes that makes you a content creator) for social media yet, why aren’t you?

Did you know that I get about 95% of my business from Instagram? If I didn’t bother to show up, educate, entertain and sell to my audience, I might as well not exist. In fact, it’s very likely that you and I are email pals because you found me on Instagram. Ama right?

Soap box put away…

Now, the real reason for this post. If you are on the socials and you’re attracting leads from the socials, I really really really hope that you’re collecting email addresses with a freebie.

Because every marketing guru will tell you, social media doesn’t belong to you. It can disappear overnight or over time.

What does belong to you are your email addresses. And even though email marketing may sometimes seem to you like it’s ineffective because you yourself are annoyed by them, believe me when I say it’s not!

Not everyone is like you. There are people like my partner who never unsubscribe from anything and go through all emails for deals and offers.

Email marketing works.

With emails, statistically on average, 20% of your audience will open them whereas on social media, you only reach about 2% of your followers organically.

Now if you provide really valuable content via email, you can get your numbers up to 40% or even 50% open rates. Ask me how I know!😉

You know what works even better than email and that not everyone is doing? SMS marketing.

If you’re just starting out, it can get pricey so I suggest you wait until you’re a little bit more established. But I use emails for long form education and value and I add SMS to any kind of promotional announcement.

Because statistically 95% of texts get read.

So if Instagram, my preferred platform, ever went down for a day or a week or forever, I wouldn’t sweat it.

My email list of 10K+ subscribers will keep me afloat until everyone decides where the next best platform is.

So there you have it, just a reminder to get on that value packed freebie and start promoting it on social media to get your people onto your email list.

Don’t know where to start? Use my affiliate link to sign up for Flodesk (email service provider) and receive 50% off your first year.

Contact jason@getmobiz.com with Mobiz.co for the best SMS prices anywhere out there.

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hi, i’m vanie!

Pronounced like Bonnie… and I blame my parents for the misspelling of my name! I went from having $300 in the bank to building a six-figure headshot photography business doing what I love. I’m here to teach you how to do the same!

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