The other day, I shared a sales post on my Instagram stories, which if you didn’t know is viewed by your followers.
Stories are a great place to sell especially when you’ve earned the ask by nurturing your ideal clients in your feed.
The series was a testimonial my associate photographer had received, along with her pictures and then a call to action to “book a session” with us.
I tagged my associate on all three stories but I noticed he only shared the first two and left out the call to action. The most important part of the series.
For some reason artists fear asking for money for their services. It’s as if someone told us that because we enjoy what we do, we can’t also enjoy a prosperous life.
Or maybe you just don’t feel “comfortable” selling.🤔
I get it, I’ve been there. After being fired from my day job, as someone who had no choice but to pay the bills with photography, I forced myself to become kinder to myself, take care of myself while taking care of clients.
Because here’s the thing, by not selling, you’re not doing your ideal clients any favors.
By selling to them, you’re helping them. Your ideal clients need you!
I know I’m probably an outlier here but I LOVE how social media algorithms have figured out what we need and show us relevant ads because of it.
No more ads about cars on my feed. Only the things that I need and that can help me.
In fact, the very first Instagram class I ever took back in 2017 was from an ad I saw on IG.
That class helped me immensely by bringing in a ton of business from Instagram!
Can you imagine if Hilary Rushford (the IG instructor) was too shy to sell her services to me, how I would have missed out on the very help I needed, that IG somehow creepily knew I needed?
So, if you don’t ask for the sale, I want you to understand that you’ll be doing someone somewhere a disservice.
What you do is needed and helps people my friend.
I hope that makes you feel a little less icky about selling and a little more confident about asking for the sale!