[Hollywood Headshots by Vanie]
The ASMP Guide to New Markets in Photography
Last year the book ASMP Guide to New Markets in Photography was released! To sum it up, this book is about changes in our industry due to technology, economy, the internet and what we can do to stop from sinking! Edited by the late and much missed Susan Carr, an advocate of education for photographers, the book is authored as a collaborative effort. Some of the most influential members of the American Society of Media Photographers have contributed including consultant and photographer-Judy Hermann, educators/photographers Richard Kelley, & Blake Discher, author of Digital Asset Management-Peter Krogh, consultant- Coleen Wainwright, architectural photographer Barry Schwartz and more! Tough specifically geared towards photographers, it’s an insightful book for anyone in the business of promoting themselves and selling their creativity! I was honored not only to have one of my images published in the book but to have been interviewed as one of many case studies, along with some big names in the industry like Chase Jarvis, founder of Creative Live, an educational resource for photographers.
Do your business some good, refresh yourself with inspirational stories by other creatives about marketing and pick up your copy HERE!
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