[Professional Headshots LA by Vanie] Blog by guest blogger Dallas Travers Creative Career Coach Dallas Travers has helped thousands of actors to increase their auditions, produce their own projects, secure representation and book roles in film and television. Her...
[Headshots North Hollywood by Vanie] Or do you run off to your little corner, jealous and resentful because you haven’t yet achieved the same success? A friend and colleague, Blake Discher says, and I’m paraphrasing, “Don’t hang out with the...
Jo[Theatrical Headshots Los Angeles by Vanie] This is a two part blog and Part I of this blog post can be found HERE. This blog is about examples and would make more sense if you read Part I first. To summarize Part I, a person’s attitude can pretty much make...
[Los Angeles Head Shots, Vanie] Speaking for myself, I find that my most amazing sessions have A LOT to do with a client’s attitude coming into the session. I realize headshots are a large investment and that there is a lot riding on them. And often, by the...
[Headshot Photography LA by Vanie] “THERE IS NO COPYRIGHT,” he said, speaking over me when I attempted to explain why I don’t give out all the high resolution images with my packages. In a very antagonistic tone, he said it again after I attempted...