
How to Create a Tagline for Photographers

What is a tagline and why do you need one?

Well, a tagline basically summarizes your services so your ideal client recognizes you as a service they need.

Why do you need one? So that you attract your people with just a few words.

✨No really.✨

I can’t tell you how many times, my tagline alone has gotten me clients eager to buy from me. I know this because my clients repeatedly say things like, “When I saw that you’re the photographer for actors who don’t like to pose, I was like, YES, she’s for me!” “You are talking to me!” and “OMG your the photographer for me!.”

So how do you come up with a tagline?

It’s easy. Answer the following 4 questions.

But before you do, go to a quiet place, close your door and dedicate a good 30-60 minutes to do some brainstorming. GET DEEP.

1. What do you do? Literally what is it that you do? Keep the answer basic.

2. Who do you do it for?

As in, who is your ideal client? Who do you serve? What niche are you in? Consider ALL these questions before answering. After you come up with your answer, if you want to get fancy and even more effective, get specific or add an adjective in front of the who.

Like a web designer might serve “small businesses”. An adjective like “savvy” or “smart” in front of “small businesses” so “Web Design for the Savvy Small Business,” makes more impact because we all want to think of ourselves as savvy or smart. So we say to ourselves, “Oh yeah, I’m a smart small business, and this guy is for me!”

Or how about “A social media coach for service based businesses.” See how specific that is? If you’re looking for a social media coach and you’re a service based business, wouldn’t you immediately gravitate towards this particular social media coach vs. the millions of others?

3. How do you do what you do?

Again, get literal here. How do you deliver your service? How do you handle subjects in front of your camera? How do you process your images? There are so many hows and your how may or may not make it into your tagline but it will for sure help clarify it.

Get deep and think of all the “hows” in your business. Jot them all down to see how your hows might fit into your tagline.

4. Why do you do what you do?

This is the most important question of all. What is the benefit of what you do for your ideal client? What is your motivation for doing it? How does it help your ideal client? What problem are you solving for them? Your why is almost like your mission statement.

Again, get deep here and really think of the impact you make as a business. What is the good that comes out of what you do?

After you answer these questions, you can put together a short, catchy statement and massage it until you find that very specific tagline which resonates with your ideal client.

Got questions about your tagline? Drop them in the comments below?

hi, i’m vanie!

Pronounced like Bonnie… and I blame my parents for the misspelling of my name! I went from having $300 in the bank to building a six-figure headshot photography business doing what I love. I’m here to teach you how to do the same!

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