
Your Pricing Structure Might be Leaving Money on the Table

Do you spend hours toiling away in Photoshop, delivering countless high-resolution images, and offering endless consultations—all for the same flat fee you charged for a single day’s shoot?

Here’s the truth: You’re not alone. Many photographers struggle with undervaluing their work but there IS a better way to price your services to ????boost???? your bottom line.

If you watched my Instagram live interviews with photographer Gary Hughes and Sarah Petty, one thing you’ll notice about all of us is that we have discovered the secret to profitable photography: Itemized Pricing.

None of us charge a flat session fee and then include everything in that package that the client wants. We’ve embraced a structure that accurately reflects the time, expertise, and value we bring to each session.

And you can do the same no matter where you are in your journey.

Why give away all digital files, all Hi-Rez files, your free consulting time for one, dare I say, a low fee?

Let me give you a few examples: Most photographers in the entertainment industry charge a flat fee for each look and give away all Hi-Rez files with that flat fee.

I charge a flat fee for each look and give out only Low-Rez files. I charge an additional a la carté fee for retouched Hi-Rez files and a higher fee for advanced retouching. This is not the norm but I’m still profitable. 

For my corporate clients, I charge a per-person fee with a minimum I won’t go below. I charge an assistant fee and I give out one Hi-Rez image per person (of their choice). I charge extra for retouching that image. I charge more for advanced retouching.

Gary Hughes charges a flat fee for the session and then another fee for all low-rez images and then yet another fee for Hi-Rez retouches.
Sarah Petty charges her session fee and then another fee for the products she sells and with which she includes only the Low-Rez files.

If you’re charging a flat fee because it’s easy but you’re not making a profit, here’s what you can do to uncover hidden profits.????

  • Make a detailed list of everything you currently offer within your flat fee.
  • Include consultations, assistants, travel, makeup, retouching, high-resolution files, low-resolution files, and any tangible products.
  • Assign individual fees to each item on your list.

For example:

  • Charge a separate session fee for producing the images.
  • Establish a low-resolution image fee (based on your industry of course).
  • Charge for high-resolution images either as a complete set or à la carte (again, based on your industry).
  • Introduce a consultation fee if your expertise extends beyond photography (e.g., styling or branding guidance).

By itemizing your pricing, instead of experiencing burnout and stress, you’ll be compensated for every minute of your expertise!

You’ll boost client appreciation for producing quality over quantity, and you’ll become a much more profitable business. 

It’s time to stop leaving money???? on the table and start charging what you’re worth!

Are you scared to take this step? Talk to me why below!

Hi, I’m Vanie!

Pronounced like Bonnie… and I blame my parents for the misspelling of my name! I went from having $300 in the bank to building a six-figure headshot photography business doing what I love. I’m here to teach you how to do the same!




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