
Stop Hiding, Start Booking: How Authenticity Attracts Your Dream Photography Clients

So I posted an AP photograph on Instagram stories of president Trump surrounded by the CIA after his ear was grazed by the bullet.


My caption was something like, “Even when one of their own gets shot, they still won’t get rid of guns.”


And I got a DM from a fellow photographer who in so many words told me that 1) I’m clearly biased, 2) I shouldn’t talk guns after a shooting and that, 3) I make great videos but that I should stay out of politics.


This isn’t the first time I’ve been told to keep my mouth shut by the way.


But I also got many other DMs from people who wanted to let off some steam about how helpless they feel with the current situation.


One of these people, a few days later, responded to another post and said he’s going to bite the bullet and finally shoot with me because there’s never a perfect time.


And this is exactly why I teach my coaching clients.  To unabashedly be themselves.


When you show up as yourself, you will attract like minded people and you will repel others.


Not everyone is going to like you, but this is a good thing.


Just to be clear, showing up as yourself means you stand for values that may be controversial but that attract your tribe.


It means, you give us insights about your habits, your favorite pastime activities and the things you care deeply about.


For example: I stumbled on a website for a business coach for creatives who made her website all about fat positivity (her words, not mine). She isn’t the coach for me but she is the perfect coach for someone who is “fat and positive” about their body.


The more you create a community of people who share your values, the more your community is likely to hire you.


The only way to do that is by being yourself EVERYWHERE.


That includes on social media, on your website, in your emails and in-person when you’re with clients!


#facts: People like to work with people they like.


Another example: I follow an Instagram coach whose personality I fell in love with instantly and then I ended up purchasing her course. This is because she shows up as herself with her flaws and all. You’ll see what I mean if you take a peek at her account.


Side note: Her IG course is really really good. If you’re struggling to reach your ideal client on social – take her course!


Another example: This from a photographer I follow. She says fuck a lot. So do I. I like her and if I were to elope to Colorado, I’d hire her to shoot my wedding.


Finally, in case you’re still not convinced. This from a copywriter whose emails I receive:


“Your voice, your stories, your lived experience. And all of that is what makes us feel connected to you. Connection brings the cash.”


So, ask yourself this: Are you being true to yourself in your marketing or are you trying to be someone else?


Let me know your struggles in the comments below.?

hi, i’m vanie!

Pronounced like Bonnie… and I blame my parents for the misspelling of my name! I went from having $300 in the bank to building a six-figure headshot photography business doing what I love. I’m here to teach you how to do the same!

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