
the ultimate blog

for the smart actor

Who You Should Never Take Advice from on Social Media

[Headshots For Actors by Vanie] When it comes to your career, if you hang out with amateurs, it’s safe to say you’ll stay an amateur. If you want to continue moving the needle forward, you’ll need to surround yourself with people who are already at the level you want to be at. These are the people who can properly advise you and guide you to the same place. Jennifer Mabry: Suburban Mom / Boho Mom Kevin Deegan: Office Guy / Kathy Young: Upscale Business THE BUSINESS OF ACTING IS HARD to navigate, but with all the free content on social media, it’s easy to find a lot of the answers to...

How to Take Great Headshots Without Following the Rules

[Female Headshot Photographer in Los Angeles, Vanie Poyey] Headshot rules exist because somebody somewhere messed up. (That be-???? an amateur photographer) causing reps not to be able to use the headshot effectively and therefore creating blanket rules for everyone. Aaron Pruner: American Tourist / Edgy Down and Out Emily Brandau: Student / Best Friend CAN YOU BLAME THEM? As laymen, they look at a photo, identify the problem and say, "I never want to see that again". However, the choice the photographer made isn't the problem-- it's how that choice was executed. The bigger reps know this...

Headshot Session video

How to Nail Your Headshot Session

  [Headshots Los Angeles By Vanie] Have you heard of Jordan Ancel? Jordan is an award-winning producer, director, writer, author, artist, and entrepreneur. Amazing, right? This level of experience allows him to provide some GREAT insight for actors looking to become more successful by teaching you to run your acting career like a business. I HAD THE PLEASURE OF joining him for a live interview earlier this week where we discussed how to get killer headshots every single time-- hopefully some of you were able to attend! If you missed it, you can watch the recording here after joining...

You’re Not The Lead Just Because Your Headshots Say So

[Headshot Photographers Los Angeles By Vanie] The look I talk most people out of photographing is the lead, whether in the form of the Love Interest or the Hero. The two elements that decide what characters you're able to sell are 1, your look and 2, your essence. NOT how you're able to photograph. Lucas Ethington: Anti-Hero / Olivia Harrington: Heroine It takes a great deal of self awareness to understand what you can sell to the general public and how you are perceived. If you don't have that self awareness, what makes it difficult for to figure this out is the fact that actors are...